zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Body Rebel

Body Rebel
pamphlet, 4 pages, $?
A one-shot by Chelsea of Take It - It's My Body zine. Chelsea thought she had said everything that needed to be said about fat acceptance and fat positivity until she had a "relapse" and began to feel down on herself again. She realized then that there was still much more to say. In this zine (laid out like a pamphlet), Chelsea finds renewed passion for body positivity and offers 10 Steps to Body Acceptance. She also discusses how looking back at some of her old zines and journal entries helped her realize how far she's come in accepting herself but also how much further society needs to go in being more accepting of all body sizes. One of the most important statements Chelsea makes is that "determining heath by a number on the scale is dangerous." Yes, it is possible to be fat and fit. People come in all shapes and sizes, so there is not a single standard that fits all. This is an important read for people of any body type. It's about self-acceptance and self-positivity and shrugging off judgements and pre-conceived notions of others. I'm sure Chelsea would be happy to send you one for a small donation or a stamp or even a nice note. queensizerevolution@yahoo.com

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