zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Echo Echo #7

Echo! Echo! #7
32 pages, quarter-sized

Aesthetically pleasing little perzine by Keet from Canada. Stream of conscious writing about feminist leanings and aversions to being girly. A trip to New YorkCity inspires four short pieces. An encounter with an old woman while waiting for a train inspires another. And of course there's heartbreak. Artwork, comic jams, and a few poems round out the issue. Keet is a little self-conscious about this issue, but I think it's her best yet. Lots of good one-liners and a great effort overall.

Trades encouraged.
$2 USA/Canada
$3 International
Email/paypal: nerdturd@gmail.com

Review by Dan Murphy, publisher of The Juniper and Elephant Mess. PO Bos 363 Edwardsville IL 62025, http://juniperbug.blogspot.com/

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